My objective in contributing to Trading Deck is singular — to help investors make money. We at The Arora Report are neither a bull nor a bear on any investment. The essence of our methodology is to let the hard data speak for itself.
From the comments on my articles and emails I receive, it is clear that a very small minority is not interested in making money but mostly interested in how nasty they can be. Unfortunately, this tiny group of readers is extremely vocal and ends up confusing investors who are simply reading Trading Deck to help them make money.
The foregoing phenomena is especially pronounced when I write about gold ETF (GLD), silver ETF ( SLV), miner ETF (GDX), junior miner ETF (GDXJ), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Mining (ABX), Silver Wheaton (SLW), Pan American Silver (PAAS), Hecla Mining (HL), and Coeur d’Alene Mines (CDE). The phenomenon in part arises from misunderstanding of money supply and gold standard. I thought that Bernanke’s comments today on gold standard may help those who are genuinely trying to make money from their investments.
The phenomenon, in part, arises from the misunderstanding of money supply and the gold standard. I thought that Bernanke’s comments today on the gold standard may help those who are genuinely trying to make money from their investments.
Bernanke did a great job in the first of four lectures he is giving at George Washington University. Here are the pertinent excerpts from Bernanke’s presentation slides:
“What Caused the Great Depression? There were many causes, including the structure of the international gold standard…Read more on MarketWatch