
When The Arora Report first gave a buy signal on Ford Motor Company ( ), some investors found it hard to believe.  At that time  was left for dead and Wall Street was advising investors to sell.

Ford Motor Company ( F) was purchased at an average price of $6.61.  It is trading at $11.57 as of this writing.  This represents a gain of 75%.  (Editorial note: when this post was originally published in ZYX Buy, the stock was trading at $10.50 resulting in 58% gain. Since then the market is recognizing the reasoning The Arora Report provided to give a signal to buy at $6.61 and the stock has moved up sharply. The Arora Report is known for providing original insights ahead of Wall Street and thus producing large gains for the subscribers.)  This illustrates the power of the ZYX Change Method.   Here is a trade where very little risk was taken and there are substantial returns.


The new first target zone is $14.23 to $17.  The second target zone is $18 to $23.

For those following the Good Way, who are not in the stock and are super aggressive, the Buy Now rating is ‘YES’ to start a small scale in.

For those following the Best Way, the buy zone is $8.06 to $9.38.

The recommended quantity is 20 – 30% of full core position size.

What To Do Now

Those in the stock may consider continuing to hold.

Those not in the stock may consider following the parameters given above.

This post was just published on ZYX Buy Change Alert.

Trades posted on The Arora Report Market Blog have produced unrivalled performance since 2007.  These trades have been scrutinized in real-time by thousands of investors across the globe.  This provides easy verification of performance for newcomers to this site.  Only those trades are included in the performance where the entry post was made available to subscribers to The Arora Report Market Blog.  When the entry post is made available only to the paying subscribers and not posted in real-time on The Arora Report Market Blog, the resulting performance of the trade is not credited in the performance table.  There are very nice gains on this trade but since the entry trade was not posted here for the free subscribers in real-time but only made available to the paying subscribers, handsome profits on this trade will not be added to the performance of The Arora Report Market Blog shown on the table.


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