By Nigam Arora & Dr. Natasha Arora
Signal(s) to enter, add, reduce, exit, hold or change.
1583% Gain
There is 1583% unrealized gain on MDB.
Beneficiary Of AI
This is a database software company that is a beneficiary of artificial intelligence. MDB reported earnings and projections better than the consensus.
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MDB reported blowout earnings, but whisper numbers were even higher. Stocks move based on the difference between the whisper numbers and the actual numbers. For this reason, the stock is falling.
What To Do Now
Those in the stock may consider continuing to hold. Those not in the stock may consider waiting for a signal in the Real Time Feed.
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This post was just published on ZYX Buy Change Alert.
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Nigam Arora
Nigam Arora is known for his accurate stock market calls. Nigam is a distinguished master of the macro. He is a popular columnist with over 100 million page views, an engineer, and nuclear physicist by background. Nigam has founded two Inc. 500 fastest growing companies and has been involved in over 50 entrepreneurial ventures. He is the developer of Theory ZYX of Successful Change Management and is the author of the book on Theory ZYX, as well as the developer of the ZYX Change Method for Investing.
Dr. Natasha Arora
Dr. Natasha Arora has significant expertise in investment analysis especially biotech, healthcare, and technology. Natasha is a graduate of Harvard Medical School followed by a postdoc at MIT. She has published several peer reviewed research papers in top science journals.