Ford Motor Company ( ) earnings were in line with consensus and whisper numbers but the company’s commentary about commitment to electric vehicles is encouraging.

 was purchased at an average price of $6.61.  It is trading at $11.67 as of this writing.  This represents a gain of 76%.  This illustrates the power of the ZYX Change Method.   Here is a trade where very little risk was taken and there are substantial returns.

When The Arora Report first gave a buy signal on Ford, some investors found it hard to believe.  At that time F was left for dead and Wall Street was advising investors to sell.


The new first target zone is $14.23 to $17.  The second target zone is $18 to $23.

For those following the Good Way, are not in the stock and are super aggressive, the Buy Now rating is ‘🔒 (To see the locked content, please take a 30 day free trial).

For those following the Best Way, the new buy zone is 🔒.

The recommended quantity is 20 – 30% of full core position size.

What To Do Now

Those in the stock may consider continuing to hold.

Those not in the stock may consider following the parameters given above.