This post was just published on ZYX Buy Change Alert.
KBH is long from $16.15. As of this writing the stock is trading at $26.73. 40% of the full core position size is being held.
Take Partial Profits
The Republican tax plan will limit the mortgage deduction to $500,000. If this is passed, there will be a major negative effect on a luxury builder like TOL but will have only a minor effect on a builder like KBH. However given the large profits, it is prudent to take partial profits on another 10% tranche in the zone of $26.50 to $27.50.
30% of the full core position will still be held after this partial profit taking.
Buy Now Rating
The ‘Buy Now’ rating is a ‘NO’ for those following the ‘Good Way.’
Zones are being suspended for the time being.
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