BGR reports that AT&T has ordered retail staff to sell “anything but” Apple‘s iPhone. BGR backs up the report by claiming that it has confirmed the directive by three independent sources. According to BGR, regional managers have been telling store managers to steer consumers away from iPhones.
I have attempted but not been able to confirm the report. Multiple checks after BGR’s report show that there may be some truth to the report. However, it appears that AT&T retail staff is doing a commendable job correctly pointing out the pros and cons of various devices. AT&T is pushing Google‘s Android based Motorola Atrix HD phone. There is a special deal on the phone that includes a free car dock and $40 in free accessories.
AT&T retail staff is quick to point out that Nokia (NOK) Lumia 900 is a great phone but not upgradable to upcoming Microsoft (MSFT) Windows Phone 8 operating system. When asked which one is the best phone, responses from AT&T sales people varies between HTC One X and Samsung Galaxy S III. When specifically asked about iPhone, AT&T retail staff is quick to point out the short comings including no LTE and the small screen.
From our multiple checks, it is clear that if a consumer walks into one of the several stores where we checked with an open mind, the consumer is not going to walk out with an iPhone….Read more at Forbes