
Subscribers to ZYX  Short Sell Change Alert received the following entry in real time  on May11,2011 on Zagg (ZAGG):

As we  expected, ZAGG  reported great earnings last night.   The effect of the smart cover from iPad 2 will be felt in the coming quarters and over a period of time this should be a great trade.  

Long term target zone is $2. to $3.   Short term target zone is $5. to $6.20.

This is a very long term  position.

Conservative investors may consider adding to the position between $10.90 and $12.00.

Those not in the stock may consider scaling in  right here in the premarket in 5% increments starting at $10.40.  

The stock continues to meet all six screens.

Please be aware of the small float and possibility of a short squeeze.   Only those willing to hold it long term through the possible draw down during a short squeeze and willing to add at higher prices during a short squeeze should consider this trade.


On May 13,2011, subscribers to ZYX  Short Sell Change Alert received the following information in real time:

The day before yesterday we added to our ZAGG  position  at $10.40.   We also stated that those not holding the stock could start a position around $10.40.   Now the stock is at $9.20.   This is a 11.53% return in two days or 2105% annualized.

What to do now?

Those holding a small quantity may continue to hold in a quest for bigger profits.

Those holding a quantity approaching or exceeding full core position size may take partial profits on any further weakness from here.

Those not in this stock may consider   scaling in a short sell on bounces towards the $10.00 mark or higher.

Inadvertently , no mention was made of these signals on this blog.

Performance of very trade on this blog since 2007, without exception, is verifiable and its performance is documented on the PERFORMANCE page.

In keeping with complete transparency and verifiability of each trade on this blog, the documented performance on the PERFORMANCE page will not take credit for the trades shown above. For the purpose of this blog, our entry for the short trade is from  $8.30

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